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Bialystok Legal Studies
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze

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Białostockie Studia Prawnicze Zeszyt 21


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Stanisław Burdziej
Community Justice – Reconstruction of Assumptions and Critique of a Criminal Policy Model

Wojciech Zalewski
Restorative Justice – a Form of Deliberative Democracy?

Krzysztof Piątek
Restorative Justice in post-Penitentiary Assistance in Poland. Th e Case of the „Mateusz” Readaptation Centre in Toruń

Cezary Kulesza
Th e Participation of the Social Factor in Sentencing in the Historical and Law-Comparative Perspective

Ewa Kowalewska-Borys, Agata Osińska, Marlena Żukowska
Th e Participation of the Social Factor in the Judiciary from a Constitutional Perspective

Izabela Urbaniak-Mastalerz, Adrianna Niegierewicz
Th e Participation of a Social Factor in Criminal Proceedings in the Light of Court Judicature

Mateusz Kostro
Th e Participation of a Social Factor in the Administration of Justice as the Implementation of the Rule of the Public Trial

Dobrosława Szumiło-Kulczycka
Participation of Social Organizations in Juvenile Proceedings – TheoreticalFoundations and Practice

Katarzyna Łapińska, Małgorzata Mańczuk
Public Participation in Polish Executive Proceedings in View of Selected European Regulations

Rafał Kamiński
Characteristics of Selected Institutions of Probation in the Context of the Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations in their Implementation

Piotr Gensikowski
Selected Procedures Used in Community Courts and Changes in the Institution of Conditional Discontinuance of the Proceedings and Conditional Sentencing in the Years 2015-2016

Krzysztof Woźniewski
Admission of a Community Representative to Court Proceedings to Article 90 of the Amended Code of Criminal Procedure of 10 June 2016

Bartosz Pilitowski
Activities of Non-Governmental Organizations in Polish Courts that Do Not Include Involvement in Proceedings

Dariusz Kużelewski
Th e Eff ectiveness of Victim-Off ender Mediation in Criminal Proceedings Carried Out in 2011-2014 in the District Court of Białystok in the Light of Files Research

Iwona Sierocka
Mediation Procedure in Labour Law Disputes



Andrzej Sakowicz
Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of 18 March 2015 (Ref. No. II KK 318/14)



H. Lemke-Küch, Der Laienrichter – überlebtes Symbol oder Garant der Wahrheitsfi ndung?

List of the Reviewers in 2016