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Bialystok Legal Studies
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze

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Białostockie Studia Prawnicze Zeszyt 20/A


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Magdalena Musiał-Karg
Alternative Voting Methods Through the Example of Postal Voting and E-Voting in Switzerland

Anna Pacześniak
Compulsory Votnig as the Solution to Low Electoral Turnout – the Treatment Worse than the Disease?

Elżbieta Kużelewska
Compulsory Voting in Belgium. A Few Remarks on Mandatory Voting

Stanisław Bożyk
The Direct Election of the Prime Minister in Israel’s Constitutional System (1992-2001)

Adam Szymański
Changes in Presidential Election Law in Turkey – Progress in the Democratisation Process?

Adam R. Bartnicki
Elections to the State Duma in the Russian Federation 1993-2011

Katarzyna Szymczyk
The Electoral System, Active Electoral Rights and the Role of the Electorate in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Anna Doliwa-Klepacka
The President of the European Council – from Rotation to Election

Cezary Kulesza
Systems of Selection and Appointment of Judges and the Issueof Judicial Independence: American, English and German Experiences

Izabela Kraśnicka
The Systems of Selecting State Judges in the USA

Dariusz Kużelewski
The Election of Lay Judges and the Principle of Participation by Citizenry in the Administration of Criminal Justice

Ewa M. Guzik-Makaruk, Ewelina Wojewoda
Off ences Against Elections and Referenda – Selected Legal, Criminal and Criminological Aspects

Agnieszka Piekutowska
Voting Rights for Immigrants. Refl ections on the Background of EU Citizenship

Iwona Wrońska
Procedure of Appointing Members of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture And Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Aneta Giedrewicz-Niewińska
Industrial Democracy and Involvement of Employees in the Societas Europaea

Bartłomiej Michalak
Conclusions and Recommendations (Not Only) De Lege Ferenda After the Crisis in the Polish Local Elections of 2014

Anna Budnik, Marta J. Czubkowska
The Role of the Electoral Commissioner in the Division of Municipalities Into Constituencies

Marcin Rachwał
Evolution of Election Law in the Senate of the Third Republic of Poland

Andrzej Jackiewicz
Postal Voting and Voting by Proxy as an Alternative Voting Methods in the Light of the Electoral Code in Poland

Kamila M. Bezubik, Artur Olechno
Could the Election Deposit Become an Electoral Qualification? Remarks on the Example of the Election of Head of State

Paula Wiśniewska
The Mechanism of Quota in the Light of Electoral Code Regulations Introduced in 2011

Beata Roguska, Jarosław Zbieranek
Opinions of the Poles about Postulated Changes in Electoral Law



Amanda Bittner and Royce Koop (eds.), Parties, Elections And The Future Of Canadian Politics University of British Columbia Press

Bogdan Mucha, Financing of Electoral Campaigns to State Legislatures in the Federal System of USA

Anna Pacześniak, Europeanization Of Polish Political Parties