Control of Poaching in Poland as a Form of Implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030


Słowa kluczowe:

Agenda 2030, crime control, hunting law, poaching, wildlife


This article’s purpose is to present how the goals of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 are implemented in Poland in terms of combating poaching. It discusses which services combat poaching in Poland and how they operate. The characteristic methods of legal sciences and criminology, namely literature analysis and criticism, the dogmatic method, secondary data analysis, and the interview method, were used to achieve the research goals. The first of these was used to analyse the scientific literature on poaching published to date, with a particular focus on the poaching of land animals. The dogmatic method was used to examine selected legal acts regulating poaching. The dogmatic and literature analysis methods were often applied simultaneously, which allowed interpretation of the regulations analysed. The secondary data analysis consisted of analysing statistics on poaching, specifically criminal statistics obtained from police headquarters. The final research method used were interviews carried out using a computer-assisted individual interview technique. Interviews were conducted with an employee of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Białystok and an officer of the State Hunting Guard in Białystok, because both institutions are statutorily obliged to combat poaching in Poland.


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