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Bialystok Legal Studies
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze

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Białystok Legal Studies vol. 23 nr 3

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Yvon Dandurand, Jessica Jahn
The Fragility of a Culture of Lawfulness

Sławomir Redo
On Education in the Global Culture of Lawfulness

Katarzyna Kubacka
Education for the Promotion of Culture of Lawfulness: The Role of Global Citizenship Education and Social and Emotional Skills

Jay S. Albanese
Cultivating Ethical Conduct in the Personal, Private, and Public Sectors: Moving from Anti-Corruption Structural Reforms to Individual Accountability

Sigall Horovitz, Alex Petkov
Education for Justice (E4J): Promoting the Rule of Law through Integrity & Ethics Education

Philip Reichel
Promoting the Culture of Lawfulness by Teaching about Transnational Organized Crime

Anne Eason, Kate Bramford
The Pedagogy of Placements in Criminology Teaching: An Interactive Parallel Model of Criminological Learning

Sławomir Redo, Emil W. Pływaczewski, Agnieszka Langowska, Przemysław Alkowski
A Socratic Contribution to Culture of Lawfulness for Teaching Criminology



Sławomir Redo
Commentary on the Judgment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of 29 November December 2017 (Case No. IT-04-74-T)



Sławomir Redo
Przestępczość cudzoziemców. Aspekty prawne, kryminologiczne i praktyczne [Criminality of Foreigners. Legal, Criminological and Practical Aspects] Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2017, pp. 639

